Saturday, December 26, 2009


while inside Kee

beyond this distance
into the soft gaps
hear love, swollen songs
for the violet night
we've blown into sky



  1. "Swollen songs" - Damn good! It has been quite some time. Welcome back!

  2. hey AJ, wow - TY. happy holidays.

  3. Hi Nadege:

    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog, I always appreciate them. I'm also very sad tonight hubby/wife stuff! When I read this very beautiful poem, tears poured out like crazy! I keep reading the line "into the soft gaps hear love" I wonder what is the sound of love? The only thing I can think of is the sound of my sons voice, my mother, and my beloved grandmother who passed last August! Sadly I want to hear that sound from my hubby's voice but I don't?

    On a better note, I wish you a blessed/happy new year!

  4. Happy holidays to you too!

    PS: Visit my spot sometime. I update it every Monday. One song/week.

  5. hey meagan, sad to hear about the passing
    of your grandmother...hmmm, hubby & wife
    stuff- that's hard. sometimes that situation
    requires honestly looking within yourself,
    your reactions & deciding through patient
    common sense what needs to be done.

    on my end you do seem like a dream wife.

    the sound of love is so subjective and baggage
    filled with each of us, often the music is
    there but it isn't our style so we turn it
    off...or the other person has turned down the
    volume on his/her song for fear of being hurt.

    ahhhh...human beings, we are something to
    be reckoned with, no doubt.
    frankly, the psalms has all you need to know
    about life if you read the words with an open
    and humble heart.

    OMG...that's enough talking for me for one
    day - I've clearly gone over my limit.

    good luck, dear.

  6. hey there AJ - I can't get into your blog.

  7. you should get your work published honey,beautiful!

  8. hey there marian, TY. I am making that one of
    my goals for 2010.

  9. What beautiful and moving poetry you creatively weaved here...thank you for writing such stirring poetry Nadege : )

  10. Dear Poet,
    If you are receiving this announcement, it means that at one time or another you linked an acrostic poem at Acrostic Only. We are in the process of preparing for our first Acrostic Only Anthology – Volume I. If you care to be a part of this wonderful project, please visit our Blog for more information.

    We will be choosing poems to be considered for the Anthology from January – March, 2010. However, if you desire to have some of your work considered, there are a couple of deadlines you will have to meet, and you must email me your intentions to!

    I thank you all for supporting Acrostic Only, and I look forward to another year poetic interaction.

    Happy New Year to you, your beloved family, and readers!

  11. This is beautiful...Just found your blog and checkin you out :)

  12. hey pretty girl, TY. you are too sweet.
    have an outstanding new year's eve, lovely.

  13. THIS IS VERY DEEP, have a wonderful new years you wise woman! : )

  14. I love your poem.. It is a fresh breeze to me now...

    Nice to meet you
    Thanks for your comment on my blog
    Staying !

  15. hey there Z - have a happy new years yourself.
    hoping you receive every blessing you desire.

  16. hey dulce, TY, feel the breeze ~~~~

