Thursday, May 7, 2009

night vows

sink into me,
find the bulb of my weakness
that parallels to your need for control.
smother my qualms
inside the palm of your strength.
squeeze my heart
until my passion overflows
spilling between your fingers
like diamonds on a cherished bride's bodice.


  1. Strong feelings flowing here!!! Wonderfully written!!! Keep them coming!!!

  2. mmm...i like the sound of that magic.

  3. What imagery...oh my
    Lovely words as always : )

  4. Oh my how soulfully sensual. I could feel the desire while readirng this one. The feeling of being able to release one's self into the hands of another without fear can be quite liberating, no doubt. I had almost forgotten what that felt like. I find I miss it today, after reading this. Beautiful words!

    Peace, Light and Love. . . C.

  5. Oh my how soulfully sensual. I could feel the emotions and desire with each word. The ability to release oneself with out fear into the hand's of another can be quite liberating, no doubt. I had almost forgotten how satisfying that can be. Thanks for the reminder. Beautiful words.

    Peace, Light and Love...

  6. ~ the ultimate sensual experience
    is surrending... cordie ty.

  7. so intense and magnificent! The power one holds over another, the letting go of self for dominance

